Discover the possibilities
At this point we would like to give you a decidedly small impression of what awaits in the wonderful Nordhausen for your exploration and discovery. Following the links below will take you to the external sides. Typically, you will find suggestions for further exhibitions, concerts and events.
Please also visit Nordhausen Tourist, NDH Live or Thüringen Tourismus to see what other activities are available for your discovery.
IFA Museum
and many more ...
Harz mountains (or here) with its many attractions like Brocken, Rübeländer Höhlen, Rappbodetalsperre ...
Kyffhäuser with its many attractions like Reichsburg and Barbarossahöhle or the beautiful city of Bad Frankenhausen
Salzaspring - Karstquelle - 3. largest source of germany
Gipskarstgürtel Südharz
Heimkehle - Karsthöhle Rottleberode/Ufftrungen
Herrmanns- und Baumannshöhle Rübeland
more nightlife under virtualnights or meinestadt
Golfpark Neustadt / Südharz
Tennisanlagen am Stadion
Hohe Kreuz Sportplatz
Albert Kunz Sportpark